I've loosed on my rigid coffee/tea schedule these days because if mama doesn't get her dark black cup of coffee bean juice every morning, she feels as though the world may actually end. Nights are hit or miss with our big man these days. I'm not sure why some evenings are harder than others, but I think that's just the nature of parenting (and life for that matter). When your little one says, "mommy/daddy, please don't leave me," you realize they are dealing with their own bag of growing pains just like you, and it's not fair to punish them for it or expect them to be someone they are not. How is it that you can want to strangle your toddler one minute, and then when they greet you cheerily as the sun rises and say, "good morning mommy. I love you," you forget every frustration they ever caused. Motherhood truly seems to invoke a sort of bi-polar disorder in and of itself. I've always hated extremes, but it feels as if my days are consis...
The 1984 National League Championship Series was played between the San Diego Padres and the Chicago Cubs. San Diego won the series three games to two to advance to the World Series. The 1984 NLCS was the first postseason series EVER for the Padres since the franchise's beginning in 1969. Because Katie Ann Blair arrived in the world in the middle of the series, her father hence forth referred to her as Katie Cub Buster.