Without going into all the details, I am excited to say the ball seems to be rolling for little Levi. We would love your prayers as we prepare for an important meeting on Monday with his entire "care team." We have several questions that need to be answered before we take next steps, and we will sit down together to hash out the details regarding his discharge plan.
- Levi has done so much better off the NG tube and only keeping his intestinal feeds going (TP tube).
- Levi just about weighs enough for a G tube surgery!
- A different GI doctor randomly stopped by yesterday and agreed with our plan to rid him of any nasal or oral tubes and move forward with a G tube and stomach wrap!
- Levi had a successful circumcision yesterday!
- Levi passed his hearing test! But he had some fluid in his ears, so a follow-up visit will happen in the next month.
- We've had several great visits with Levi!
- Silas has been such a ball of joy!
- Questions answered during Monday's meeting.
- Decisions for other muscular tests during G tube placement.
- The right doctors and nurses on hand during upcoming procedures.
- The perfect timing for procedures and discharge dates.
- Miracles with regard to Levi's ability to eat by mouth in the future.
- Levi's continued progress with his hand and feet.
- Sweet family time as we wait through final hospital stays.
- Continued trust in God for what it looks like to care for Levi at home.
- Please pray for the McMath family preparing their son for brain surgery tomorrow!
We are truly truly blessed.
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