IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!!! But wait...... it doesn't really feel like it yet...... NO MATTER! It just means that it will feel like it any day now. I am confident of that. It's kind of like decorating the house for Christmas a month in advance. The anticipation, preparation, and continuous celebration makes the big event last longer. The entire time leading up to it is the best part because you know it won't be over for a little while. I hope fall lasts much longer than a little while! I haven't let myself order a pumpkin spice latte except for the one night it was 54 degrees outside. That seemed to be the only logical and appropriate time. I'm holding out for the upcoming cool days because you truly can't appreciate a pumpkin spice latte without some crisp autumn-smelling air. Yes- there is such a thing as autumn-smelling air. Trust Me! It's better than apple-pie smelling air!
My friend Heather Caraway has a great blog (her life is much more exciting than mine, the Olympus can't compete with whatever photographs she takes with her professional camera, she's wittier, and she has time to actually put together an amazing blog. Don't compare! Please! Will you still come back and read the CubBuster?!?)
Anyway....I loved her weekly poll and just had to include it below. It's not copyright infringement okay! If there's anything I've learned in grad school, it's that you can "steal" lesson plans, unit plans, life plans, and anything else you want as long as you give credit where credit is due. So Feath (Heather) Caraway is the genius behind the fall poll, and now I'm exposing her blog to the 5 people that read mine and probably won't after they see hers, so its really a win-win for everyone involved, except me.
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