I HAVE however read many other books and bible studies by Beth that I would highly recommend including, Breaking Free, The Esther Bible Study, A Heart Like His study on David, and others. She is a wonderful writer, speaker and woman of God. It was an amazing day!
Sunday began with completely gorgeous weather so Matthew and I took an awesome drive to Helen and I would say that even though my allergies acted up, a trip to Helen is worth it for Betty's coffee! Um yes... As the Coffee CubBuster, I have to take a minute and salute Betty! Oh Betty's.... how I love thee....
Betty's General Store in Helen is the cutest old timey country store that also sells and brews there own beans. I can't go to Helen without buying some of those almondy, medium-bodied, rusticly fresh beans! I don't even think some of those descriptions are real words! Still, the store itself is like Disney World for me. I'm not exaggerating either. I don't know what it is..... You know when you go to that place that reminds you of your old grandmother's house with the calm and peace of a more simpler time filled with freshly squeezed lemonade, rocking chairs on the porch of her mountain house on the perfect fall day and she brings you out a warm homemade gooey chocolate chip cookie? Okay.... I went a little overboard and neither of my grandmother's lives in a place like that, but you get the picture. For some reason that I don't know why, that is how Betty's will make you feel! :)
I recommend a visit there asap-- although I've probably built it up so much that it's going to be a let down. Well, think of a place that makes you feel like I just described and take a day to visit it and breathe a little deeper.
Can't wait to brew some Betty's tomorrow morning!
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