Yes that's right, the Atlanta Braves 2010 opening season began against the infamous Chicago Cubs. My co-worker, office-mate, and dear friend Peter Collman is a baseball (well I guess all sports) fanatic, and knew that to start the season right, he needed to invite the CubBuster to be sure the Braves started the season with a win! The second game of the season started off slow with a 1-0 lead for the Braves, but at the beginning of the 8th, Atlanta was losing to Chicago 2-1. Although others may be slightly tense at this predicament, I was calm and collected knowing I possessed a special gift of busting up on a certain kind of cub. Thank goodness I've still got it (and I guess Chipper still has it too!). Jones hit a two-run homer in the eighth inning and held off the Cubs for a 3-2 win! The CubBuster lives on! Thanks Pete for a fun night! You can see other pics from Turner Field on my Pictures page...
~THE CubBuster
You go Katie CubBuster, wish I could have been there! Maybe we can get to Chicago for a Padre game (8/16 - 19) or to Petco Park (SD) 9/27 - 30? That last one sounds like a good birthday gift, Thursday day game in SD ... hmmm.