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Praying without ceasing

There are times when I feel almost too tired to pray, or just prayerfully uninspired. However, it is those moments that I begin to realize why we believe in the "mysterious" Holy Spirit. Not only does God's spirit speak for me and teach me how to pray, but I've been utterly astounded at all the prayers we are receiving around the globe from other people lifting us up in our weakness. Our little tiny family, who is no more special than another, is being covered with prayers all over the Southeast, New England, Nevada, California, Arizona, Italy, Japan, and Israel to name a few! It's utterly astounding to hear that prayers are whispered on our behalf from people we have never met and may never get the chance to thank.
As I dryly moved throughout the week, I desperately wanted something look forward to. While celebrations will come and go, I realized that many people want to escape their reality through various modes of coping. However, it is in the reality that we begin to feel alive if we'll only sit still and quiet long enough to hear God's truth. Just when I needed to hear Him most, He again spoke to my unbelieving heart.  First I read from an old-time devotion by Oswald Chambers. On yesterday's date he writes,
Our natural inclination is to be so precise--trying always to forecast accurately what will happen next--that we look upon uncertainty as a bad thing. We think that we must reach some predetermined goal, but that is not the nature of the spiritual life. The nature of the spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty... when we have the right relationship with God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy.
This was written perfectly for me in my constant desire to navigate our families next steps. Then this morning I randomly began to read Luke 11, teaching about prayer. It states that we should be bold in our prayers and when we ask, "it will be given to us." Well, what about all those who pray to rid life of the unexpected hardships and evils? This is a theological topic I don't have time to tackle right now. However, I realized that I need to not only pray with more boldness, but realize that even if I don't receive the exact thing I've prayed for, I will receive something far better in the end (most of us just can't see past our present moment). When we begin to align our lives with God's, we begin to pray more like Jesus. And when we pray more like Jesus, we begin to feel blessed in any and all circumstances because we begin to see life with His eyes and not our own.

All of that to say, THANK YOU. Again and again thank you for praying for our little family.

And, not only do I have a sweet anniversary weekend coming up tomorrow (something wonderful to look forward to), but now my little Levi is back on some slow tube feedings! Both exciting events!

Join us as we continue to pray for sweet little Levi and any and everyone that crosses your mind today because we could all use a little more prayer!

Check out Levi's precious new boot! 

Loving you from the NICU.

~Prayerful Buster


  1. Katie, I hope your anniversary was wonderful because you are a blessing. Thank you for sharing your words, thoughts and prayers, as always you are an inspiration to me.


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