By March, most Americans have forgotten or given up on their New Year's resolutions. For this and other reasons, I don't think I've ever been resolute about anything on January first, but this year I did decide to try and laugh every single day in 2017. I can tell you that I've already failed at this endeavor. Like many resolutions though, I think mine was a bit unrealistic. Rather, I should have resolved that someone in my household would laugh ever day. With sweet little ones, this goal is actually within our reach. We do not all have to laugh together, but one man's laugh certainly brings on another's.
At deeper glance, I realized one of my major opponents at joy-killing -- illness. I have yet to fully let go of the anxiety I feel when I know one of my babies is getting sick. With dirty boys, I have strayed far from the label of germaphobe, but history has hurt my optimism. When Roman is sick, I am up all night; when Levi is sick, I am cleaning up throw up all day, and when Silas is sick we all have to feel it, day and night. So how am I to embrace a sick season that ensures some measure of discomfort? Laugh at it!
Illness is inevitable. Instead of resisting, I should (as a Proverbs 31 wise woman) "laugh at the days to come." Likewise, Proverbs 17:22 says "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." My bones definitely ached with Shingles, but I bet if I had laughed a little more, I wouldn't have felt so tired. When we don't take our lives or ourselves so seriously, we actually release any preexisting anxiety about what may or may not be waiting for us. I've seen tickle times help resolve most problems in our home. While this would probably be a bit inappropriate in the workplace, there's something to be said for silliness. Regardless of your illness, find something that makes you smile, it's truly the best medicine you'll take today.
Little Ro Ro is doing well. He has a four-month doc appointment along with Big brother Levi on Tuesday- Levi's second birthday!!! I can hardly believe he's going to be two. It is nothing short of a miracle. We are praying for great weight gain for Levi as he continues to try new foods (he swallowed a tiny piece of meatloaf the other night!), and even though all the boys seems a bit snotty this week (as I just cleaned up the "throw up bucket" from Levi), I'm hopeful for what lies ahead for our sweet middle child. All three boys bring me such joy whenever I forget how to laugh. May we all step a little lighter with our newfound medicine this week!
A little something to make you smile...
~Laughing Buster
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