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Thanksgiving together

I'm not one to be described as quiet. In fact when a developmental psychologist told us last July to make sure we talk a lot around Levi so that his language develops properly after being in a quiet NICU for four months, I told her that that would absolutely not be a concern in our home. Even Silas can be found talking to himself on a daily basis. So when this season of "quiet" staycation approached during the holidays, I wondered if I'd feel isolated or lonely. The exact opposite has occurred. We are certainly social people, but being "forced" to change up our daily life and sit still with each other under one roof has been amazing.
Matthew agreed that everyone should take such a time of hiatus every so often just to evaluate what we are doing and why we are doing it. For the first time in my life, we had only three people at our Thanksgiving feast (four if you count the few minutes Levi was awake). While it would seem sad to some, it was beautiful because we were so thankful to all be home and healthy together. I really wanted to invite someone.... homeless, lifeless, lonely, or otherwise displaced, but we knew Levi didn't need extra germs, and we couldn't find any open slots anywhere to host someone we knew. Thus, I cooked my very first feast for the most and least picky eaters I know: my husband and my toddler. It was magical! Levi even tried his g tube out with some festive sweet potatoes (he's not a big fan by the way).
I don't think I've ever had more to be thankful for than I do this year. We've been through a lot this year, but it makes each quiet moment that much more treasured.

I loved starting the week with Kyra and Reid's youngest girls!
I'm blessed to know these sweet ones.
We miss you already girls. Great practicing for the big feast day.
I told Silas a random story about popping "thankful balloons" on Thanksgiving with handwritten thankful notes inside (not sure where I come up with my stories sometimes). He couldn't wait to start this tradition. It was a blast!
Levi looked like this when Thanksgiving dinner started. Mommy loves you so much.
We felt a bit gluttonous feasting on so much by ourselves. Truly blessed!
My first turkey turned out great! Thanks to my mom who telephoned instructions on how to pull out the insides first! Ick....
Well posed baby!
The perfect weather has made for a wonderful week!
Happy First Thanksgiving sweet boy!
Family First Thanksgiving!
Thank you Lord for giving us each other for Thanksgiving!

~Together Buster


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