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Halloween (and my husband's birthday) came and went, and I will soon post a few pics of the sugar-filled weekend, but we had a busy week so this post has been in the making for several days...

The word gives some people spinal shivers. Such people would rather have a spinal tap than experience any uncomfortable altercations to their normal life.
Other people feel a sense of excitement. Exhilarating surprises are eagerly anticipated.

There are of course moderates in both parties, but either way, you either tend to like or dislike change. I used to be one of those people who worried incessantly about potential future life changes. Now, however, I've come to learn that we as a species are quite adaptable. New change happens to be extremely endangered because once we've experienced it, it's no longer new. It is amazing how quickly we adjust to new surroundings, new hardships, new norms. Whether it be an unforseen change in our own circumstances, or one we willfully assume for the sake of potential hope, the aspect of change is short-lived, so there's really nothing to fear.
The desire for calm stability is innate, but who said change isn't the catalyst for stability. If nothing ever changes, circumstances tend to be more and more unstable. Forced sameness inhibits our natural state of change. We are aging (change); we are growing (change); we are learning (change); when you try to stop the learning, growing, aging process, no matter how old you are, it's unnatural and only harms your ability to experience peace. Running from change usually only creates a greater more difficult change to occur in the future. Whether it be changing how you've always done things or changing your physical address, don't clench at change. I'm not saying we should force it, but we shouldn't fear it.
I just finished reading about the life of Moses, and it's interesting how quickly God's people forgot the miracles he performed to save their lives. They whined and complained every time things got a little bit hard, and they questioned why they ever changed their initial circumstances. Whenever things seemed to be ominous or uncomfortable, instead of praying to God for help and trusting in His perfect time to save, they'd complain to Moses,
“If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.”
Exodus 16:3
"But the people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?” 
Exodus 17:3 
They forgot how unhappy they were in Egypt when their present circumstances were not ideal. How often do we do the same thing. Whether it's an uncomfortable situation at work, in marriage, with kids, or a friend, we long for days that are simple and unchanged because we lack the imagination to see the beauty in hard change. The metaphorical manna, quail, parted sea, or flowing water is unimaginable until it happens. Don't wish away your days, or hold too tightly to days that are passed; it may just be that you have to embrace a needed change in order to experience a new kind of joy. 

We have adjusted to all kinds of change that are no longer strange. At first Levi hated his casts, then he adjusted to the change to the point where he hated when they were permanently removed. Then he hated his leg braces; now, once again they are completely normal to all of us. The idea that Levi couldn't spit up was a bizzare and worrisome at first, but currently Levi  is throwing up almost every feeding. I can pinpoint exactly when it will occur between a thirty minute time frame. While this isn't a welcomed change, he seems to feel so much better afterwards. We are giving him some new meds for it and praying we don't have to have the "Fundo" surgery again (as long as he is gaining weight, he won't need it). We've undergone so many changes in a short amount of time, I'm sure this one will be short lived too. It is not strange to me that Levi doesn't eat with his mouth, but I will welcome that change in the distant future whether that future is next month, next year, or several years down the road. We must trust, and when we forget how to trust, we must remember all the miracles we've already witnessed with our little man! 

Change is inevitable, and it is often the starting point for witnessing miracles. 

These boys change every single day before my eyes. It's a daily miracle.

This was a change: first he wouldn't put on his highly coveted, blue monster, Halloween costume; then we practiced without putting on the head, and he was a happy old lady!

Our first fire of the year. I love the change of seasons!

Changing our pumpkins into Jack-o-lanterns is always fun!

I love that Silas loves fall as much as I do!

Seeing Levi practice sitting has encouraged this big boy to practice with him. He's a great therapy helper!

A new change: Silas is learning to be an i-phone photographer. I said, "Silas quick take a picture of Levi learning to stand without his shoes on!" Ask and you shall receive.

And receive more than you ask for...
Love the changes!

~Changing Buster


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