"They" say that children's separation anxiety peaks between the ages of 10 months to 20 months. Silas seems to have moments where 'mama' is his only source of comfort. I am literally the magic pill that makes all of life feel safe and wonderful. Yet whenever there is a great beat dropped, he can't pick me out of a line up, nor concern himself with a possible child abductor. Whether it's our local Alive after Five in Roswell, downtown Atlanta at an ALS walk, or a brand new city at the Charlotte 5k festival, Silas has ventured out into the abyss recently simply to bounce his little, boy body to a snappy tune. I can't help but feel somewhat responsible for his love of music and dancing!
Silas has now added "fort" to his vocabulary. |
The fort stayed up for a few days, and I think Matthew loved it as much as Silas. I love boys! |
It only took three visits to the Chic Fil A cow at the ALS walk before we were brave enough to touch the ginormous two-legged cow. I was still to timid to high-five the scary beast. |
We were honored to volunteer at this year's ALS walk, which meant we were the first ones there, and first ones to dance. |
Silas Cary Smith got to volunteer on his late uncle's birthday this year. Happy Birthday uncle Cary! |
We were also blessed with Tour Championship tickets thanks to Dee Dee and T-Pop. Good thing Silas knows what "golf" is, or he may not have understood the quiet part of the game. |
Just discussing the intricacies of each players grip and stance. |
Silas favorite part about traveling to Charlotte for my step-sister's wedding. |
Sarah looked stunning. There wasn't a dry eye in the church! |
Congrats Aunt Sarah and Uncle Spence! We love you! |
Not our best family photo, but we didn't want to overshadow the bride (pun intended). |
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