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Ever wonder how anyone would get anything out of chapters like "Chronicles" in the Old Testament of the Bible? I mean why do we really need to include those lists anyway? Well, God has since shown me why: to humble prideful people like myself. One of the most obscure passages found in 1Chronicles 27:24 led me to a note that accompanies that passage in 2 Samuel 24. To sum up, King David decided to take a count of his army, and in doing so, he ignited God's wrath. Taking a census? A sin? Well it turns out that David's motives were uncharacteristic. The reason he took the census was to feel confident and secure in the men he had protecting him and his people, instead of trusting in God's protection and finding security in Him alone.

My revelation happened here. It probably seems strange, and for that I can only point to God who opened my eyes. I consistently find myself confident and proud when I have a son who sleeps well. Since Silas was sleeping through the night at two months old, and because I was able to bring him into the world without medication, I began to harbor a little mommy pride without even realizing it. (Pride certainly comes before a fall.)

Since he was three months old, we've had sleeping battle after sleeping bumps. While they are typical of any infant transition, I constantly looked and searched for an easy solution so that I could get back to my own sleep normalcy. (But what is normal anymore?) I have been waiting for that 6 month mark, which everyone claims is a "game changer" for the better. Yet, I realized, by waiting for this supposed check point, I am not only robbing God of His perfect timing, but I am robbing Silas of a beautiful and amazing transition time. What if Silas chooses to sleep through the night at 5 months, or maybe at 10. Either way, do I not trust God enough to know that He is in control, and He will provide me with the strength and energy I need to enjoy this phase of my life? After all, doesn't life go by fast enough without me wishing it away?

There are tons of tricks, band aids, and theories that we've tried and trusted. However, nothing is permanent with children (just like life), except God's grace and truth. Just when you think you have figured it all out, a new pebble comes tumbling into your shoe and you can't figure out how it got there, or how to remove it. Others will give you advice, but ultimately it's your shoe, and only you can take it off and learn. I'm thankful that God doesn't allow me to be prideful. Rather, he shows me my nature and keeps making me better.

Silas' hair is starting to grow. I couldn't resist this baby mohawk (you have to look closely- its a baby hawk)
This boy can't get enough frozen celery. Great teething trick!
We had the distinct honor of traveling to Memphis for my best friend's wedding. This picture paints the perfect image of Linds. She was glowing with joy and as bright as her bouquet!
Loved getting all the girls together. We loved our robes Linds!
I mean come on....
I love you Linds, and it was an honor to stand up there with you and Kevin. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Rea!
We started solids this week (didn't help him sleep through the night if you are wondering, but naps are better), bananas were first on the menu. After day two he was sold. Nice and easy, even on the road trip to Memphis.
It's a whole new world for this baby boy. He's growing up too fast. :) 


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