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Quiet in the hive

How often do we say... "I've just been really busy lately." I know that all too often I apologize for being MIA, or too busy, or something equivalent to having a schedule that doesn't allow for more conversation. We blame technology, or schedules, or responsibilities, or seasons of life for taking away the once sacred time of sitting in rocking chairs and talking to one another in person. I think life never slows down unless you choose to put on the breaks. I'm recognizing that there is ALWAYS something to do. Now with an old house and a new baby, I can ALWAYS be doing something. Instead, I want to be someone. This might actually demand that I say "no" to certain things, which I am terrible at doing because I long to please and love everyone that makes requests of me.
I believe this is one of the lessons God is teaching me through this random change in Silas' sleep schedule. From a once seemingly perfect sleeper, he began a new growth phase that woke him up throughout the night and flustered him during the day. He's still quite an angel compared to some poor parents who obtain the hard road of colic (who I now want to offer my services: to watch their babies for an hour or two just to give them a needed break, call me anytime), but all the same I began to lose any time to do anything I once planned for my day. Yet, I realized in the quiet peace-filled moments that I am thankful God doesn't let me have an easy road. The bumps and mountains give-way to the most amazing unity with Him.

Likewise, (and to quote a cliche Rascal Flatts song) God blessed the broken road that led me back to Matthew nine years ago. Had he not broken us down separately, we'd not have the amazing blessings we have today. I am truly thankful for the hard paths because I begin to appreciate the smooth ones in a whole new light. There's just no way to grasp it, until you've been through it.

Matthew and I went on our first date alone in three months a couple weeks ago. Even though we can still take Silas pretty much anywhere and call it a date, it was so nice to get away from talking about him and the house for a few hours. Thanks Aunt Ashley for sitting!!!  Matthew brought me sweet sunflowers like he was first taking me out. I love you baby. I can't imagine my life without you in it!

Had to include a pic of this sweet boy looking up to the heavens (or the skylight that fascinates him).


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