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Homeschool Hybrid

Once upon a time there was one option for education: all eligible pupils of all ages entered and learned all together under the tutelage of one teacher (who must have been a saint!). Fast forward many generations and one became three options. If you had money, your children went to a nice private school where they were hopefully guaranteed an advanced degree, or you attended your locally zoned public school, choosing your residence based on preferred zonings, or you were quite socially awkward and stayed at home under the instruction of your mother. 
Today, their are more options than many people realize. Charter schools, international schools, homeschool hybrids, religious or church affiliated schools, public, private, or even a mix of all of the above. Thus, like many things today, the plethora of options, which should be a gift, can feel overwhelming for many young parents. 
As an educator and a mother, I've weighed and prayed about each child, each year, because I sincerely believe there is not one type of schooling that is best for all children. I admire those parents that don't choose "one route" for their family, but take things a year, or even a month, at a time. As I've mentioned before, my best friend's greatest concern before she passed away was her eldest child starting school. Now in heaven, I'm sure Kyra would tell everyone not to worry so much about your kids, academically, socially, or even spiritually. We can't save our kids of discomfort any more than we can control the wind. 

That said, I'm excited to try my hand at the Homeschool hybrid thing from the parent's perspective. I taught at Veritas when I had just one baby at home. Now as the parent of a first grader, my love of academic organization is aiding in our family preparations. I'm sure I'll be pulling my hair out some days, but after visiting our local public school for the after school activities meet and greet, I felt a peace that we made the right decision for this year. Sometimes I hate all the options we have in our bustling little city, I don't need seven groceries stores within a mile of each other, but in terms of education, choices are a blessing. Silas will go to Veritas a couple times a week, and attend his publicly zoned school for after school activities! Let the learning commence...

Every one of my kids has had a different favorite  "teething toy". Luca may end up in the dentistry field considering his choice.  

Because of our late school start, we had our own little smith science day. First, homemade catapults...

Second, erupting volcanoes!

Finally, homemade fossils we later hid in a sandbox to dig up! Definitely a boy day.

Luca is really wanting to join the big boys in all their school and summer fun. He is the first to respond to "say cheese!"

First time family fishing at our local park!

Sorry Luca, you can't join everything yet.

We've already received homework from all our teachers!  Love it!

Silas needed his own space to ensure we could complete all this homework. Matthew built a "Murphy desk" while I was away in California! 

Now you see it...
Now you don't!  It's incredible. We love our daddy!

Plus he found me this "gently used" gem for our learning room! I was really excited to get it stocked!

It's all coming together...

I quickly regretted this luau green we painted our dining room six years ago, but now I think it just might inspire some great thinking! ;)

This boy is now learning to walk! He just couldn't let everyone learn without him!

~Homeschool Buster


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