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Kindergarten Graduation!

I have met people that bemoan their children graduating from certain seasons, and I have met others who have expressed true love of every single season of parenting, claiming "every stage is my favorite stage." While I have already seen certain "sweet spots" in parenting, I hope to be one of those latter parents who simply enjoys the good and bad of where I'm momentarily residing.
"Do not say, 'why were the old days better than these?' for it is not wise to ask such questions" (Eccl. 7:10). Along the same vein, it's important not to assume once you get to a certain place, everything will get easier. "Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14).
I'm guilty of presupposing that I'd be sleeping through the night with baby number four by a certain month unable to foresee the constant illnesses my sweet boy would endure before his first birthday.
I remember when I was still in the workforce, and I'd count down days until those weeks or months of respite. Now my profession gives no certainties for a break. I may get one "easy" day among one hundred hard ones, but it's actually a wonderfully healthy exercise in finding the joys in every moment, good, bad or ugly because it may be the only moment I ever get.
Thus, despite the crazy lady I was with three little kiddos pulling on me at the RUMCK graduation this week, my joy came in seeing how Silas' brothers excitedly waved at him about one hundred times during the short thirty minute showcase. Their tight love for one another is a gift of having them so close in age and stage.

Silas is always sweet to include Levi at his school events!

End of the year party! Silas' team won!

A little hand therapy homework in order to decrease our falls on ole righty elbow!

Sweet boy is still so happy with a three month-long ear infection. Tubes scheduled ASAP!
Graduation day donuts!

So thankful for this sweet school. Levi will continue on at RUMC next year all by his big- boy self.

Love this graduate!

Last year we did homemade confetti, this year is was summer-start punch balloons!

After a LOT of prayer, consideration, reading, and discussing I've decided to send Silas to Veritas Classical Schools, a homeschool hybrid, for first grade. Thus, my life may still be a little crazy, but I think it's the right plan for our family next year, and we will take it one day a a time, trying to enjoy the crazy journey along the way!

~Graduation Buster


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