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Running out of time

Some days we seamlessly sail from one task to the next making our jobs look like well-crafted premeditated cheat sheets. Other days we bump our heads, drop the ball, and resemble those "Ninja Warriors" who fall on the first obstacle, leaving the observers wondering how we got on the show from the start. Yet there are also those rare times when the ebb and flow of life doesn't rattle us at all. We are not sailing, nor are we sinking; there are both pebbles and boulders hitting at various points, but because of our steady rudder, we are not thrown off course even if our surroundings look chaotic. These moments occur when we've lost our sense of time.
Regardless of your profession, every day lends itself to a list of priorities. Some days you arrive at work (usually Mondays) and there is a barrage of needs that all seem to hold equal importance. When they come at you simultaneously, a sense of inadequacy drowns your best intentions.
This scenario happens regularly in my life with four small humans all requiring adult supervision. The other day all at once, someone was crying to be fed, another crying to get out of bed, another yelling to get to the potty, and still another yelling about his brother yelling to go potty. In an instant I became the ultimate "Ninja Warrior," Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, deciphering how I could quickly and efficiently attend to each need in perfect priority, saving the day with my super-human strength.
Then I realized that I watched too many "M.I." movies over Christmas, and I just chose one child to help. I began to hear that still small voice speak truth into my own shaky ship. You think there is not enough of you. You think you can't decide which need is greatest. You think there's only so much time, but I created time. There's no such thing as not enough time. I perfected time.
When Jesus was on Earth, the needy came to him in droves. In fact, those who spent the most time with him thought he was neglecting the most important needs in order to speak with one elderly woman who reached out her hand, or one group of children who wanted a blessing from him. But our sense of time, or our futile attempts to gain more of it, never ruffled Him. He knows that nothing, especially a clock, can dictate divine appointments. Even when all signs point to finished, sunk, ended, He can turn back time in His own perfect way.
Whether you felt like you had too much or not enough time in 2018, trust that "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end" (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

There's always time to stop and spy on three brothers reading quietly together.

Had fun watching time turn back literally in the new Mary Poppins movie with my big man.

Another getaway to Helen after the holidays brought some stares, but these bobble heads do look cute in a row!

Fresh mountain air does the body good!

So does Pirate putt-putt!

Guess who?!

Boys favorite part of New Years! I think we are ready for snow weather or swim weather, but not in between.

I don't think we've ever had this happy a baby until now. He's had a cold for a month, but doesn't stop smiling. He just stops sleeping. :)

Say "Happy New Year!"

My other baby was over the runny nose and busy days. We celebrated the New Year at 7:30pm this year.

Here's to more sweet time in 2019!
As we pick back up with doctors, therapies, and the like, we pray our time is well spent this year!

~Time Buster


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