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Lie about Santa?

There was a large fence separating our backyard from the next door neighbor's, and they weren't very friendly when it came to our climbing over it every five minutes in order to retrieve our kickball. My parents had to instill a "no climbing the fence rule" when I was about five years-old to maintain amicable relations. Thus, I was surprised when my sister encouraged me to climb over that same wooden barrier a few days later to get our bouncing ball back. "What do I say if mom asks me if I got it?" my undefiled voice questioned. "She won't ask you, and if she does, just lie." My big sis had already mastered this cunning craft that completely evaded me. Presumably, my mama scolded and disciplined my behind that evening after my first attempts at the art-form, (some how mothers always find out) and I don't think I've ever readily lied since that day.
 I'm not sure if it's a firstborn trait or not, but my eldest child seems to be able to blatantly tell fibs as easily as my sister. He's even mastered the art of rationalization to make himself believe his own lies! At first, I felt the sickly judgments pass through my parental thoughts. How can he just openly lie without any remorse? Why does it come so naturally to him!? Is this a precursor for much larger issues involving dishonesty in his future!? Fortunately I came to realize that just because I've never had a good poker face does not mean my sins are any less grievous. Compared to our Savior's birth and life, we all favor The Grinch and Jesus could quote the following about me too:

Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of rubbish imaginable, mangled up in tangled up knots!
While many would argue these adjectives only describe the scum of the earth who openly impart misery on others, I'd refute that without Jesus' Spirit in me, my thoughts and my instincts would resemble Mr. Grinch perfectly, but now I am a changed woman. If there isn't a change in someone before and after trusting in Christ, I'd question if they really know Him.
So what do I do when my son asks me if Santa Claus is real? Lie? Well, this is a much larger discussion with no perfect answer, but personally, I simply turn the question back around to him. "Do you think he's real?" We try not to make a big deal of Santa in our home; I think it important that my children not idolize Mr. Claus and all his "free gifts," when the real gift is laying in a dirty animal trough hoping to shine light in a dark world. I would hate for them to ask if I lied about Jesus one day too. On the other hand, I think there's a natural wonder that children should embody. The innocence of little ones imparts a trust that all things are possible. When we take away that wonder and innocence too quickly, they may not be able to see that "with God all things are possible." I hope they always "Believe" in God's miracles, not just Santa's, and I pray they don't listen to all the lies of the world this Christmas, but real truth.

I think these gingerbread houses merely appeal to their tastebuds not their design skills.

But dino designs are much more their forte!

And Roman is mastering playdough designs!

Rainy, cold days are bringing out new skills for all. Silas is mastering the bad-guy trap! 
I can't wait to watch Home Alone with him this year! (His sign says "Try to Hit the Farmer")

And Levi started pedaling at school! (Who cares if it's pink!)

And Silas was a Wise Man at his school play. A great week of learning!
~Lying Buster


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