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Love and Hate Coexist?

Most people either love the holidays or jump in the Grinch/Scrooge wagon for the month of December, but I think I have a equal parts love and hate for Christmas. I'm sure that sounds either negative or sacrilegious, but I think it's possible to retain both love and hate for something without it contradicting or incurring connotations. As much as I love people, I hate the ugliness that rears its head in each of us. Just as God "loves the sinner but hates the sin" I love Christmas, and I hate Christmas all the same. When I was a child, it was certainly "the most wonderful time of the year," yet having children has changed my tune a bit. 

After a week at home for Thanksgiving, I understand even more how much my children (and probably all children for that matter) thrive on structure and simplicity. When there are no standardized tests, appointments, or regular routines kids begin to fall apart. Couple this with a plethora of sugary treats, too much attention, too little boundaries, and nonsensical amounts of presents, and it doesn't matter how many chores or structured activities you plan, Christmas will craze your kids. But it's not all their fault (or yours). We've taken a religious memorial and made it a month-long occasion to gorge ourselves.
However, there is such a sweetness in the wonder of the season that I turn back and love again. The vey concept that God himself became man in human flesh leaving behind paradise, just because He adores us, covers the chaos with a peace like snow covers gravel. 
The music, the memories, the beauty and symbolism of all the lights help highlight the goodness of Christ's birthday instead of our distracted and diluted version of it. Thus, the more our flesh takes away from the glow of the manger the more the manger seems to glow. 
Instead of dreading the box you may fill with extended family this Christmas or the spoiled sounds spilling from your children's mouths, try to be intentional with your time.

British adventurer Debra Searle rowed solo across the Atlantic in 2002, and she commented that being alone at sea in exhausting conditions was actually one of the best Christmases she ever recalled because it wasn't encircled with all the drama or dressings. It was simply her celebrating with God the gift of His son. May I find that same simplicity regardless of the distractions this year. 
I may hate the complaining that always accompanies tired boys, but I simultaneously love the joy in their eyes this time of year. There's no way to avoid the early risings with all the countdowns, but hopefully my love will shine brighter than any tired hate I hold.

Silas was thrilled that his daddy joined him for the Thanksgiving feast this year!

And I was thrilled that all my boys wanted to put on aprons and help me dress the Turkey!

We visited a farm after turkey day- notice Roman's drool over the sweet shepherd dog! He loves animals but hates molars!

And this dog loved Matthew and hating seeing us leave! (I'm seeing a pet in our non-diapered future!)

Love these boys!

Also loved a little Levi time before tubal surgery, but hated how early we had to arrive!

I love that Levi is improving on many fronts! He had one ear full of fluid and the other had a barely functioning tube, so we got T-tubes and hope they will last 3-5 years. We are graduating out of physical therapy (which I love and hate), but holding steady to weekly occupational and speech therapy. I hated all the paperwork involved with Levi's medical and financial assistance, but loved the benefits. Now that he is no longer medically fragile, we are losing much of his assistance, which I love and hate simultaneously. But isn't that life?
 I will love when all my boys no longer need my assistance in life, but I will hate it all the same.

I love that he's growing a mohawk, but I hate how fast he's growing!

I love that Levi is starting to make his own lunch, but hate that he is growing so fast too!

No matter what you love and hate about this time of year, remember to let love win!

~Hate Buster


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