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Mom exercises

As we approach the six week b-day for Mr. Luca this week, which is the "return to work as usual" for mama, I'm thankful that the rest of my boys have a simple week. Since Silas isn't going to county-kindergarten, we have a delayed start date. Thus, I have a couple more weeks to enjoy the simplicity of summer. I haven't exercised this 'ole bod in probably nine months, so the thought of adding that into the schedule this week seems strange. Then again, maybe I am just measuring myself in the wrong era. I really believe I was suppose to enter the world in some other time period... the things we've invented to make life simpler, actually add things to our packed plate. Instead of getting my biceps from churning butter, I just hold two crying kids at the supermarket simultaneously. Instead of balancing a bucket of water back and forth to the well, I just run back and forth taking out the fancy diaper trash bags from three kids yet-to-be potty trained. Instead of stretching my muscles to knead pounds of dough, I stretch them to make all our bread fit next to the triple stroller in the minivan. It's all just a matter of perspective.

As we are quickly exiting the "honeymoon" phase with blowouts and belly-best sleep (yes, I think all babies probably prefer it so the battle is real), I remind myself of the simplicity of these days, and I wouldn't add or take a single thing away from them! Here's to another six weeks of mom exercises!

This little bro changes every day!

When it's raining all day, balloons create 50 new games.

And this one slept right next too all the silly fun.

Silly face...

Smiley face!

Silly face...

Smiley face!

Silly face...

Smiley face!

Silas' skills still amaze me sometimes. I was never very good at the ole etch, but Silas made a "house" with  an upstairs TV and two chairs, a downstairs bed with pillow, and a water heater with all kinds of stuff on the back. All the comforts of a real home.

Couldn't resist capturing this sweet moment.

Levi has never needed any of the normal or securities in his bed (i.e. blanket, animal, lovey). But whatever he's got when he falls asleep stays tucked under his arms as if he adores it. Sweet boy! I love you Levi. 

Roman did great at his tube surgery thanks to toys all to himself! Thankfully so did Luca since he joined us for the special event. 

Big man wasn't happy after surgery, but since that time has already said several more words and syllables. His ears are clear! Thankful for modern medicine!

~Exercise Buster


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