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Isn't it true that football coaches try to come up with new play patterns in order to stump their opponents? I mean it doesn't take a Allstar to figure out that if you use the same play done over and over, the other team will figure it out and upset your plans.
I believe the same is true for our life, but I'm not quite sure which "patterns" are staples we should keep in the playbook, and which ones are outdated and useless.
When I look back at the life of Kyra, I know that she lived out a different pattern making it difficult for her opponent to penetrate her peace and purpose.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may discern what God's will is for you, what is good, acceptable, and perfect. --- Romans 12:2

When it comes to decisions for the life of littles, a clear pattern isn't always obvious, nor is God's will the same for each child. Does every little boy have to play on a baseball or soccer team before the age of seven? Does every little boy have to attend public or private school? Does every little boy have to have big muscles to be considered strong and healthy? The questions for what is right for each family are diversely different, and sometimes living out normalcy is an act of conformist rebellion in and of itself. On the other hand, it is only by transforming our thoughts and being open to a new acceptance of perfection that we live out truth despite the criticism of those around us.

It's not always as easy to live in luxury and escape conformity. In the same vein, an impoverished  place doesn't mean you are living out God's will either. I have always longed to move away from mainstream, while still connecting with mainstream America. I'm not sure what this looks like for my boys, but I find myself considering more heavily those decisions that most never question.

Our summer draws to an end, and so does it's seeming simplicity. Decisions placed daily at my feet for the upcoming year for every member of our family. Please pray that we all hold true to God's perfect will for our family...
 Levi update below too...

I love these boys something fierce!

Silas made lunch one day and found his old little lunch box for Levi. He didn't want to let it go!

No he's not on any teams, but this boys is a natural sportsman simply by playing with his daddy!

And this one just wants to be like his brother!

Here's our lefty

Here's our righty
Who doesn't love marshmallow/spaghetti engineering?!

This nine-month old is the sweetest

Most adventurous

Most easy-going

Biggest eater, 

Happiest baby.... Please stop growing Ro Ro!

He's going to be my big-explorer for sure

Celebrating Kyra's Heavenly anniversary with her sweet family. Her life continues to affect ours for the better! 
Thank you for continued prayers!

All three boys got yucky end of summer colds this past week, which for Levi means low appetite and more puking. We were able to check off our pulmonology appointment this week with a stern warning about how his small stature means premature lungs for life. We don't have to go see that doctor in the future unless we have a problem with his lungs, but I was warned Levi will most likely never run a marathon, and he should really put on some pounds to help fight infections. "Thanks doc, cause I don't hear that enough!" Insert hand-in-face icon.
Please pray for a miracle in Levi's weight-gain because we have our nutrition appointment next week, and I would LOVE not to see the concerned faces about my little boy. He's so happy and healthy that it hurts my heart to see a preoccupation with size. I don't mind extra eyes and charts for good-measure, but sometimes I think they miss the big picture of his overall health.

Please also pray for Silas as he starts a new school season at the same pre-school but with new teachers. Pray for his heart and his ability to not bring home too many germs for little Levi. :)

And PRAISE our little Roman is growing so easily and normally now at a healthy nine-month age he is such a sweet gift to our family!

We love you all and praise God for His perfect Pattern!


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