Be your own person. Have an original idea. Don't be a follower. Find a new angle. Be set apart. In many households, as well as classrooms, one is encouraged to be a leader and not look like everyone else. Although, there is a fine line between not copying others and standing out too much, in which case you appear to desire unnecessary attention for yourself. It all depends on the context. In writing, originality is of utmost importance; I stressed the importance of understanding plagiarism in order for my students to avoid it like the plague. In fashion, many people seek to wear what the media deems "in style," ultimately copying everyone else, unless you are truly unaware or avoiding garment trends altogether. At the end of the day, I believe the verse that claims, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun " (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Really, mimicking is one of the first forms of learning. For that re...
The 1984 National League Championship Series was played between the San Diego Padres and the Chicago Cubs. San Diego won the series three games to two to advance to the World Series. The 1984 NLCS was the first postseason series EVER for the Padres since the franchise's beginning in 1969. Because Katie Ann Blair arrived in the world in the middle of the series, her father hence forth referred to her as Katie Cub Buster.