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Power Outage

Whenever I bake or cook, I do dishes as I go. Sort of part of my motto: maintain as I go. I never like a complete disaster that takes more time to remedy than needed. If I clean as I go, there’s less built up for later. It’s definitely not a perfect system. Some people prefer to focus on one thing at a time in order to do that one thing really well. Multitasking means I do lots of things, but not all that well. Yet, organization brings me great peace, and I like to think I do it pretty well. 

Summer thunderstorms also provide me with a strange sense of peace. There’s something simple and still about the raging storm rolling through unexpectedly. It’s quite an oxymoron. When we lost our power from a quick thunder bolt a few weeks back, it was really peaceful. The normal sounds ceased: no hum of the fridge,  no sound of screens, and no tumble in the laundry room. These noises  were replaced by flickers of candles, whispers of little boys holding flashlights, and sweet sounds of rain. Now I was certainly happy when the air and fans started up again in mid July, but that hour was a nice change.  Having four kids in five years has been kind of like our summer storms. It was unexpected and surprising at first, but it changed my tendencies, bringing a different kind of peaceful storm.  

My desire to maintain peaceful order has always been less about control, and more about pressure. I do not like feeling as if a clock is running down seconds, and I have to make a quick decision. Where I have mastered cleaning while cooking, I fall very short when placed in a pressure cooker. 

My husband, on the other hand, frequently masters tasks best under a tight timeline. He was determined to build us a dining room table to eat at during our first Christmas in our first home. Three days before the big family dinner, and he was just beginning the carpentry steps. However, after two, almost, all-nighters, we were eating dinner together on a beautiful farm table that may or may not have had a little wood stain still drying under our plates. 
Nevertheless, his tenacious spirit is different from my own. We both tackle a to-do list with very different motives. I prefer getting things done way ahead of schedule rather than risk a last minute scramble. 

When it comes to the health of my boys though, I struggle when there’s a call to watch and wait for the storm to get worse before taking necessary precautions. I want a preemptive prescription in order to avoid a massive power outage. 

Roman’s tummy, Levi’s hand, Luca’s throat, even Silas’s seasonal allergies all require a worsening before we should intervene. This goes against my nature, but just like mother nature, I’m learning that the future power outage may actually provide a peace I never expected. You don’t focus on when the power will return; rather, you keep your eyes on the skies enjoying the magical sounds of the moment, trusting you’ll see differently when the candles run out. 

An endless supply of Dawn soap helps us tackle pre-storm jitters  

Look who's shifting up on the bike scale!?

Ro is learning to balance!

Si is learning handle bar breaks!

Levi Joe is learning how to pedal with training wheels!

He has good days and bad. He's still downing Pediasure for weight maintenance, but the good days are that much sweeter!

This little man is about to have his last dose of blood pressure medicine! Please pray that he handles the change well, and when we scope in September, there's not blood clot left!

No matter the storms ahead, we will power through with prayer and petition, giving thanks to God for all his good works!

~Power Buster


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