Whenever I bake or cook, I do dishes as I go. Sort of part of my motto: maintain as I go. I never like a complete disaster that takes more time to remedy than needed. If I clean as I go, there’s less built up for later. It’s definitely not a perfect system. Some people prefer to focus on one thing at a time in order to do that one thing really well. Multitasking means I do lots of things, but not all that well. Yet, organization brings me great peace, and I like to think I do it pretty well. Summer thunderstorms also provide me with a strange sense of peace. There’s something simple and still about the raging storm rolling through unexpectedly. It’s quite an oxymoron. When we lost our power from a quick thunder bolt a few weeks back, it was really peaceful. The normal sounds ceased: no hum of the fridge, no sound of screens, and no tumble in the laundry room. These noises were replaced by flickers of candles, whispers of little boys holding flashlights, and s...
The 1984 National League Championship Series was played between the San Diego Padres and the Chicago Cubs. San Diego won the series three games to two to advance to the World Series. The 1984 NLCS was the first postseason series EVER for the Padres since the franchise's beginning in 1969. Because Katie Ann Blair arrived in the world in the middle of the series, her father hence forth referred to her as Katie Cub Buster.