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Learning to quit

We are taught as children never to quit. One little blue steam engine even reminds boys and girls that if they "think they can" long enough, they can finish the tough stuff in life. I see the value of teaching follow through as it relates to commitments and task completion, especially nowadays; there is a lesson in integrity, loyalty and hard work that's an invaluable for character building. Yet when you become an adult, you must learn the other side of the coin.
Too often we justify not quitting as adults for commitment sake when we are actually jeopardizing relationships for our own selfish sake. We can't give up the things we enjoy for fear of losing our most precious gifts, and because they are gifts, relinquishing them isn't even encouraged by those around us. As with all gifts though, when we cling to them too tightly, we end up destroying them. We can't depart from our fitness regimen, so we fit it into an already packed, stressful schedule, injuring ourselves in the process. We refuse to retire from our sports team or fanbase, all the while neglecting our significant responsibilities. We wouldn't dream of leaving an advanced degree in progress or recently promoted position, bringing an exhausted and despondent self home to our family. Whether it's a Netflix series, a coveted club, social media, or even sleep, everything should be held loosely during seasons of transformation. Fighting against forgoing is like building a castle at the edge of the waves. Eventually things will get too hard to keep up and dissipate completely. Quitting mid-construction can free us to find new sandy spots we never knew existed. Places free from misplaced significance and undo stress. It may look silly to the world, but letting go of those "must haves" immediately gives you freedom and faith for a better future.
Because of significant prayers and faith, I decided to quit Roman's procedure next week, and push it out another month or two. After several months of issues, he has seemed miraculously better this past week. While he could always make a turn for the worse, and we have chosen to forgo out spot on the surgery schedule, it's been freeing to hope for sunnier days ahead.
And if the rains still pour, well, my boys will get out there because they'll never quit playing.

Daddy got the little boys for a date!

Luca is proving to be the most adventurous of the four at his age. We don't have to convince him to try anything new.

Levi tried something new... his first big screen experience!

Silas buying the candy, and Levi grabbed tickets to Pets 2!

I think the candy was his favorite part, and seeing him eat candy without joking was my favorite part!

Now the boys are excited to pack for a little trip to visit Grandma next week. 

Praising God for the laughter this week!
I heard it said recently that when we face any kind of "suffering," which is a broad term, our loyalties arise. In other words, when things aren't ideal, where does your commitment lie?
"In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Peter 1:6-7) 

Refinement always requires relinquishing, but if your identity isn't held in what you are doing, then you can let go much easier.

~Quitting Buster


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