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Some things you may not know

Did you know that water is one of the hardest beverages to swallow? Because of the speed at which it slides, water has always been undesired in Levi's world. Lately, he's had a much easier time managing water, so he's requesting it more. My simple heart rejoices at every request. His small milestones are still not lost on me almost three years after his birth.

Did you know that 65 percent of the population is considered a "visual learner," according to a Pearson Education study? That means many of you will only look at the pictures I put on this blog, rather than actually reading the content.

Did you know that regardless of modern medicine and science innovations, you have zero control over your ability to conceive a child? Regardless of what doctors tell you, God is really the only one that can make and take life.

Did you know I was told it would be very difficult to get pregnant when I was just twenty years-old?! Did you know for that reason, my husband and I chose to leave our chances open regardless of God's timing until we felt Him telling us we were done?

Did you know we are expecting our fourth child this June!??

What hubby doesn't want to discover this news with his morning Joe?

That's right. God has chosen a path of crazy awesome chaos in our home with four children in five years. Some cringe at this idea. However, it's not lost on me the difficulties that I could experience, nor do I neglect to acknowledge the heartache that this news could evoke on those I love who are dealing with infertility. However, I truly trust God's perfect providential timing in everyone's life.

We are overjoyed that we are expecting during a season of Advent expectation, especially when it proves doctors wrong. I think the more we practice waiting, the easier it gets to be trusting and hopeful during the wait.

Even with doctors discouragement to leave conception up to "chance" (or God in my book) after Levi's early arrival, God has been faithful. Thus, we will be faithful with our promise to trust our family entirely to Him.

No we are not moving to a bigger house. No we are not finding out gender. But yes I might start driving a mini-van. And yes we are a little crazy. I love being a little crazy!

Life is precious, so please pray for this little life to thrive along with his/her three big brothers. Every day is a gift, and we can't thank God enough for giving us His one and only son. That kind of love is worth celebrating every single day of the year.

Five plus one equals party of six!

Our favorite Christmas house to visit each year has amazing lights and a real train ride!

Bethlehem nativity at Silas' school is always a great way to get ready for Jesus' bday.

Boys loved seeing all the old toys and live animals!

Clay pottery is always a hit too.

I spy a shepherd and a wise man.

Christmas cookie time!

Lately, I have really been struck at Levi's little life (I hope this never wears off). We went to another nutrition appointment (which went well), and stumbled across a family who just had a baby with unexpected complications. The sweet little boy was on an oxygen tank, a heart monitor, and a NG feeding tube, despite his general good health. It was a gift to be able to share our experience when asked about Levi's story. You could see the hope in the mother's eyes when we had such similar problems. I am amazed at how far our little boy has come. Here's a sweet early Christmas gift for those of you who understand the amount of muscle-work needed in speech therapy...

~Expecting Buster


  1. Woooow congrats! Live is always different to what we are expecting or very often different to what we are told. Whatever life throws at you I think we can handle it especially if we are not alone dealing with it! Four children are four times more love :) it's the way I see it. My first baby was very uncomplicated also my body and mind were absolutely in balance. Our second baby had difficulties drinking or it was like I had problems with producing enough milk however we found the Holle organic formula ( ) we felt very comfortable to use from stage 1 on and it took a lot of pressure. This is just a tiny complication or challenge in comparison to your live. However it was a challenge for us.
    You have a great family and you are a very strong woman!
    I wish you all the best I can think of!


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