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French Toast Tuesday

Two and a half years ago, Matthew and I were under a relatively stressful season in our lives, and unchartered dramatic scenarios were quickly becoming commonplace. For this reason, something prompted us to let go of normal routine and find joy in spontaneous simplicity. That's when French Toast Tuesday was born. Now, whenever we feel ourselves getting sucked into the cycle of life or the ebb and flow of exhaustive routine, we stop and say, we need a French Toast Tuesday.  While the name originated around 11:00 pm and included late-night syrup spilling over freshly cooked egg-bread, it now holds significance for all opportunities to stop looking at the clock, stop looking at the calories, stop looking at the concerns on the schedule and just look to live in simplicity.
When life begins to feel a bit heavy, maybe your French Toast Tuesday will include a solo car ride singing and dancing at the top of your lungs (picture Jerry McGuire singing "Free Falling"), or maybe it will just include a quiet afternoon nap without any screens available to beep or interrupt your REM sleep. Maybe your French Toast Tuesday is staying up late to finish a novel when everyone else is asleep in your time zone. Whatever is outside of your routine and outside the realm of your "to-do" list, we all need those moments of spontaneity and simplicity.

In the spirit of FTT, we are excited to see what adventures (both thrilling and exhausting) occur on our upcoming fall trip to New England. As an autumn enthusiast, visiting all the north eastern states during prime-foliage season has been on my "bucket list" since I can remember, and we are about to make the dream a reality (even if it includes three little ones and a flight to Montreal to work first)! I can't wait to share my love of traveling and fall with these boys!

If these boys are excited about collecting these leaves and acorns, I can't fathom what they'll want to bring home from our trip!

Eating some PB and oil... had a good GI trip this week!

Levi is dying to ride like big brother and Ro Ro is ready to cruise too!

Getting ready for the RV trip

I'm just a little excited about fall.

And they are too!

Look who's helping pack!

Levi had a great GI visit and gained a whole pound in a month! Now he's at the 1st percentile for his own weight-height ratio. The doctor said we can see him in December after we see nutrition again in November. If Levi moves to the 5-10th percentile, we'll get his tube out! Either way, we were just happy for peace and progress. Levi also got a new hand splint made this week (because he actually grew!). Please pray that he'll keep his splint on at night so we can continue to strengthen his hand, and he can learn to do more daily skills independently (i.e. dress himself, potty-train, etc.) Finally, we have our follow-up Ortho appointment on Monday before we leave to check Levi's feet. Please pray that his feet look good and straight for the doctor so we do not have to put and braces back on his legs!

Thank you so much for prayers and love!  I hope you get some French Toast Tuesday time this week!

~FTT Buster


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