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Credible Sources

According to the Society of Professional Journalists, ethical journalism holds responsibility for communicating truth. But I think the reason for all the media scrutiny and lack of ethics involves differentiating views of truth. Some of the distinct caveats of the SPJ's code of ethics include, but are not limited to: 
"Taking responsibility for the accuracy of one's work. Verifying information before releasing it. Using original sources whenever possible. Considering sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserving anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and having information that cannot be obtained elsewhere."

Everyone has a motive right? Can we trust anyone or anything anymore? Many people don't know that my original college major was broadcast news journalism. When I read another keynote from the SPJ during my undergrad, I knew that I had found my calling:   "Boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience. Seek sources whose voices we seldom hear." 

For me, giving a voice to the voiceless wasn't just an admirable quality, but the definition of a reporter. I imagined traveling the world bringing breaking news to my peers while simultaneously making a lasting difference in how rules and regulations were maintained. Once I achieved acceptance into UGA's journalism school, I quickly realized my naivete. My dream job was just that--a dream. The lifestyle and commitment would negate every other goal I held. Thus, a standard journalism degree was more fitting for my diverse dreams. However, I still hold a torch for credibility, accountability, and responsibility as it pertains to media. I've seen two multifarious films recently and LOVED them both because they were true accounts of journalists seeking to enlightened the world on important topics. First, Case for Christ, whose title signifies the story (and if you are still searching for truth, I'd highly recommend you try reading or watching this former atheist's account). Second, The Promise, gave me a whole new appreciation for the recent turmoil in Syria. In the movie, actor, Christian Bale, risks his life to expose the Armenian genocide that occurred during the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the start of WWII (an under-told story that puts my current American lifestyle akin to royalty). 

There are so many fabricated stories and personal agendas today in the mass media that it gives me great peace to know my favorite piece of literature, the "Great Book," as some call it, is neither fiction nor discredited. Without it, I believe I'd camp myself in high pride and eternal skepticism, which is a place of perpetual unrest. 

In terms of credible sources, "friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world (1 John 4:1)." And false teachers or doctors for that matter. We should never be afraid to ask questions, and always be willing to ask ourselves the hardest ones! Only then can move forward in peace. 

Photo credibility: your's truly

Playing together is such fun now... 

My little slugger!

He's mastered the plank and moved on to crawling!

The usual bus-load of kids

Roman is already sneaking a taste of ice cream when no ones looking!

Third kid = ice cream at 8 months old. 

Could take or leave it. Like most things for this chill baby.

We are ready for Halloween over here! Thanks cousins for making us ninja warriors!
 ~Credible Buster


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