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Challenge update

Like most words, the verb form of "challenge" helps explain the noun form a little better.

Merriam Webster defines the transitive verb form :
to demand as due or deserved; to order to halt and prove identity; to dispute especially as being unjust; to question formally; to confront or defy boldly 

Levi's challenges (noun) don't challenge (verb) me quite as perfectly defined as Silas' challenges challenge me. The four-year old "appears" to have more control over his challenges as he purposely challenges my authority with sweet perceived innocence. Yet, Levi's two-year old physical challenges aren't as emotionally frustrating because they are certainly outside of his little control.
HOWEVER, what I have humbly come to realize it that I need to embrace my eldest buddy's challenges and have gratitude for them as I do with my middle baby because they are also outside of his control. Just as I try to help Levi embrace and use his developmental challenges to make the world a better place, I need to do the same with Silas. Both boys are unaware of their current idiosyncrasies, so it is my humble job to point them in the right direction. They will face "challenges" their entire life, this is just the training field, and since their daddy and I are their current coaches, now is the time to show them how to become brave, strong, godly young men.

Please pray for our little man Levi in the coming weeks. He currently has a third ear infection (but praise God this one has no perceivable symptoms), so we are schedule for another ear tube surgery missed with a partial adenoidectomy. Because of his size and history, we have to go to Children's for the surgery. Also, because of the shape and structure of his mouth, the doctor will have to gage how much of his adenoids to take out during surgery so that he doesn't have any speech or breathing issues in the future. Even though this will take a toll on his eating since he'll basically not eat for 24 hours, we know it'll hopefully help his immune system next cold and flu. As always, two step forward.

Also, please pray that Levi can continue to learn to "suck" from a straw. This would help him tremendously with taking down all of his Pediasure by himself throughout the day for weight-gain. He's done it a couple times now, but like everything with Levi, his strength and muscle memory are very weak. I've noticed that it takes Levi a while to do anything in Physical, occupational, or speech therapy until about 20 minutes into the session because that "motor planning" is just weak, and he forgets how to do what they have already taught him to do. Until the proverbial "light bulb" goes off, it takes him a while to remember how to use certain muscles he never used the first year of his life (plus 6 months in utero).

Thank you for continued prayers for all around health for our family as its just been a sick-challenging year!  We are so encouraged at how God is using all our boys, as well as our own, challenges to grow us and transform us into His image!

His favorite way to use his weak hand! :)
Big man's first swim lesson!

Levi finally got to join brother for some bath painting

We have some lovely Picassos in our home right now.

Who needs a tool belt when Daddy's belt is sufficient?

Little man is really loving "walking" on the trike. 
Can't let this sweet boy miss out on a shout out! He's about as big as Levi (they can wear the same size diapers and almost same size clothes, which actually makes life a little less complicated). He is so much pure joy and laughter that my heart is full every time I see him. 
~Challenge Buster


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