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Showing posts from May, 2011

Wedding Pics!

If you want to check out all the wedding pictures, go to: You'll see some of our picks in the beginning main page, but to view them all, click on "Client Viewing." Then, put my email address: and the password = coffee (I didn't even pick that password- I guess my reputation precedes me!) Can't wait to get some pictures in our new home! I'm thankful Matthew and I didn't maul each other like this. I'm all for a little fun cake smashing, but I'm REALLY thankful we didn't take it to this extreme! That girl looks like she'll need an eye doctor later. ~CB

Wedding Weekend PART 2

The day before I tied the knot---what does that really mean anyway? I don't get it. Does anyone know the origin of "tying the knot"? If so... the eternal student in me is dying to know cause as far as I remember, I never tied any knots on my wedding day---anyway, everyone kept asking if it had "hit me" yet and was I nervous or stressed. For some reason, only known by God's peace, I had none of those emotions.  I was extremely excited to marry my best friend and get to live with him for the rest of my life. It was a day of true joy. God absolutely poured, no exploded His love on Matthew and I. The words that were spoken by so many loved ones at our rehearsal dinner cannot not be expressed. They were felt from the heart and humbling to the core. I know I've said it a thousand times, but we are truly the most blessed persons on this Earth, and I believe it's God's love coming through so many people that makes us feel so very blessed. He is so good. ...

We interrupt this program

Okay, I had to break away from the past wedding stuff to post on a present marriage situation. I interrupt this program for a very important announcement: If you are not married, you should be. Marriage is amazing. Okay, maybe it wouldn't be if you just married some joe shmoe on the street, but when you find that person that God designed just for you, and you wait on His perfect timing, it is pure bliss!!! Seriously, it will be even more amazing for you if you are still waiting because He is refining you and your spouse to make your marriage incredible! Keep waiting for God's best! Matthew and I are not your traditional newlyweds. Instead of waiting for our one year anniversary, we've been eating large amounts of wedding cake every night this week. Talk about putting on the marriage weight! :)  (But it's totally worth it!) Our typical week night setting. A Large slice of cake, glass of milk, and Friends DVD on our computer (since we still don't have a TV).   ...

WEDDING Weekend Part 1

WOW.... Okay, so the CubBuster has been occupied for quite some time, but I mean I became a Smith, got a job, moved, and traveled around the world in such a short time that I have reason for my absence. I cannot find the words to express how absolutely blessed I feel and have felt for such a long time. I want to bottle up these emotions and feelings so that when the hard days come, I can remember how blessed I am. God tells us that we will have good times and bad, but when He is our rock, there is nothing to worry about. He always gets us through the tough stuff, and that's why we can truly appreciate the good stuff. If only I could truly thank everyone who made our wedding as amazing at is was. There really aren't words. Matthew and I could not have had a more amazing wedding weekend. I mean, seriously. Besides the day I discovered coffee, found Jesus, made a homemade ice cold frappacino, figured out how to make the slinky go all the way down the stairs, or watched my fir...