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Welcome 2020

Recently, I was caught up in a whirlwind of whimsical novelty. In an unexpected encounter, I was encouraged to join in an entrepreneurial venture as a content writer. I was the perfect candidate; it was fate, and the pursuit was flattering. Plus, I could write from the comfort and convenience of my home as I continued homemaking. I could literally have my cake and eat it too in the proposed coffee café concept. In the midst of this hour-long delivery and debrief, I walked away feeling as if the proposal was sweetly planned, yet like young romance, time apart soon cleared the clouds.
While there may still be writing in my future career, I quickly remembered how easily I am wooed, especially if God's divine nature is mentioned. Since I don't have many close friends that strictly work as mothers, there's an unspoken, cultural pull to join the force of "part-time" working moms. Our technological advances make staying at home seem silly if not impractical. The pendulum as swung to  make homemakers a minority.
Too often we drink the punch of the "new year" ready to start the "new you" that's been on the back burner, but if we aren't careful, we'll forget to pray, question, and look deeply into the decisions that affect those we most love. Accolade strips armor like candy entices kids. Our need to feel independent and worthy also blinds us from the reality of ephemeral circumstances. In essence, I must continually confront the balance of not losing myself to my kids and not losing myself to my culture. I certainly fail from time to time, but that's why every day is an opportunity to open fresh new starts. We don't have to wait until the clock strikes midnight or the calendar year changes. God's mercies are new every day, and all we can do is open up dialogue with ourselves and others to see if it's the right time to make a change. We can't be afraid to change, but we can't be afraid to stay right where we are for the transient time set before us.
Our family entered 2020 with some of our favorite endeavors.

NYE 2020
Smith tradition- Fondue and fireworks (and funny faces)

Luca's first time bowling. Consensus- he prefers snacking.

New Years Day hike- Luca preferred napping.

Day trip to Athens and there awesome free zoo!

New 2020 tradition once a month one kid gets to join date night!

Not sure they'll want to go through the arches for real one day, but they love seeing where mommy and daddy met!

They sure love "dressing" like daddy. Love these sweet growing boys and their dreams for 2020!

We finally got all of Roman's test results back, and there is nothing to report. He has no allergies, no sensitivities, and no issues that could be detected through his procedure. While most may think this is a frustrating result, we are thankful and thrilled to report that he has also ceased having any pain for the last month! There isn't always a huge appetite on his part, but that's to be expected with a busy little boy. We thank you for praying for him, and hope we get the same results for Luca's scheduled bronchial scope next month! Praying for clear results!

Have a hope-filled start to your New Year!

~Coffee Content CubBuster


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