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Oh Canada!

Wow.... what a whirlwind the last two weeks has been. There is so much that we've enjoyed, endured, and experienced that I wish I could have recorded it all, but alas, we get to hold our memories and share simple life lessons with each other. It felt like a trip of a lifetime! After flying separately to Canada because of falsified information regarding passports (all I can say, is have one for everyone regardless of age or destination), we were all prepared to learn a great deal on this family road trip. I knew that God could take us through any hurdle as I flew by myself with Levi and Roman to Burlington Vermont and waited to be picked up to cross the border with the big boys.
After we returned, I was asked the best and worst part of the trip. I have to say, I think the hardest part was being in such close proximity during nap and sleep times. Since all three of our children need various hours of slumber right now, it was difficult that everyone was somewhat sleep-deprived the entire trip. However, I'd say one of the best parts (aside from the incredible beauty of God's fall grandeur) was getting to see how each child learned to cope with uncomfortable situations and enjoy each other despite our exhaustion. There's nothing better for a strong-willed child, a developmentally-delayed child, or an infant child than to take him out of his comfort zone and show him new perspectives. I think any kind of "inconvenient travel" will aid in this process! Here's the first leg of our trip to Montreal for work purposes:

My view after my hubby and eldest child left. With a child strapped to me, I was in for a long night of travel.

It ended up being a sweet day with these cuties. Answered prayer for sure!

After multiple strangers aided in our hotel arrival, I got a chance to see my little ones play quietly together. 

But they were very happy to see their big brother again in Canada!

The "Notre Dame" of Montreal

Reunion felt great!

A hysterical science museum in Montreal. A MUST visit!

Let your imagination tell you the sound coming out of this picture. Learning all about the human body! :D

None of these boys will ever understand what this really feels like!

We are having twins! (Thank the Lord this was just a test.)

The struggle with big cities and daddies working is boys with pent-up energy. 

Thank goodness for small green space. Boys just need to be outside. Period. 

It was pretty amazing to see the old city though. 

How we felt sometimes during the trip. Good thing we love each other a lot!

More to come... but we already miss our trip a little.... but thankful to have our beds back!

~Canada Buster


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