Levi's 3rd birthday is next week, and he just got the best birthday present, that I'm not sure even he can fully appreciate yet. He got his G-tube out!!!! I always think about his incredible life around his birthday, but this milestone really brought tears to my memories. This was Levi just after coming home on our first therapy outing. We had him connected to so many monitors and wires it was incredible that nothing ripped out that morning. We've come so far, and I'd almost forgotten some of my worst days and months after Levi came home. But I'm actually thankful for this blog, which serves as a reminder of the things God has brought us through together. While our GI doc wasn't exactly throwing a party over Levi's weight, he did punt the extraction decision to us. Thankfully my hubby was at the appointment for the first time because he wasn't afraid to say YES, TAKE IT OUT! Since we haven't used the tube in so long, not muc...
The 1984 National League Championship Series was played between the San Diego Padres and the Chicago Cubs. San Diego won the series three games to two to advance to the World Series. The 1984 NLCS was the first postseason series EVER for the Padres since the franchise's beginning in 1969. Because Katie Ann Blair arrived in the world in the middle of the series, her father hence forth referred to her as Katie Cub Buster.