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Monogamy, Monotony, and Manna

Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. If you don't, I don't care. I'll just wear my underwear.

We've been singing that ole' hymn a lot around here with our constant cloudy weather, and Mr. Roman is taking it literally as we continue potty-training pant-less.

It's much of the same here. It often feels I've said these same words over and over again, and I hesitate to even say them in new ways.

Have I typed all that needs to be typed on this safe space?

Shall I continue to teach the same lessons day after day without proof of progression?

Will I always be beautiful, interesting and mysterious to the same man I met and married many moons ago?

Monogamy, Monotony, and Manna are not celebrated words in our culture. Yet I will choose to exult them here.
Instead of crying about the rain or our "meatless" routines, we should recognize that a diet without meat or sun may be just what our bodies and land need right now. We may thrive in less than glamorous circumstances.

We should cease accepting singleness and sameness as punitive and press into this delicacy as sweet assurance. Otherwise we may risk gorging ourselves on a meat that only makes us feel miserable. 

Living and loving the same things every day invites a deep, fresh love and appreciation that only miraculous manna can produce. I will choose to sing in the rain, and I'll invite you to do the same.

A special Valentine's waffle for my sweet loves.

Or maybe a few spicy ones ;)

We had a special Valentines date from our bucket list. Monogamy and Andrea Bocelli do not disappoint!

I signed up to help at Levi's school party, which he knew full well, but this was his stare at me the whole time! Love this sweet one.

Boys found a statue entitled something like, "Mother laying with child." They climbed all over it, which felt quite fitting. 

All this rain doesn't stop our outdoor adventures. Luca experienced his first "puddle walk adventure"

Levi revelled in an early b-day gift on his head! So little brother tried to join the attention too.

Puddle walks that produce gutter bugs are the best!

I just keep watching this little boy eat normally and not scream in pain afterwords; I lift my hands in gratitude!

Big brother officially started baseball, and it's all the rage right now. 

We ventured outside our sameness to trip travel with daddy in Nashville, but some moments looked quite the same as our normal nest routine. 

There's something so sweet and simple about this age...all my boys can enjoy playgrounds and parks together.         No frills necessary.

We did experience a few frills at the discovery center. Well worth the drive!

I highly recommend visiting The Opryland Hotel even for an hour! We grabbed pizza and awed/danced at the free fountain light show!

Chattanooga Choo Choo was perfect for all the boys, minus this little parental pardon snafu.

He's really tough, and God's really good. Only a few minor scratches to bring home.

And the memories were better markers anyway!

Lots of love and Manna from our hearts to yours!

~M&M&M Buster


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